HRLReview 10 Best World Universities 2021

July 12, 2020. By: William B. Gartner

Starting 2018, we have been performing research on an unconventional, sophisticated ranking methods which drew very positive feedback and responses from educational institutions, reflecting fair and non partisan ranking reporting. While we still provide and share the second ranking of the dual methods only with education institutions, administrator and researchers as of now, the first method ranking is now displayed in alphabetical order, reflecting one aspect of the reforms. And starting 2021 ranking, compilation will be published on July/August of the preceding year.

Here is the 2020 year list (in alphabetical order):

California Institute of Technology

University of California, Berkeley

University of Cambridge

Columbia University

Harvard University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University of Oxford

Princeton University

Stanford University

University of Washington





HRLReview 10 Best World Universities 2020

Starting 2018, we have been performing research on an unconventional, sophisticated ranking methods which drew very positive feedback and responses from educational institutions, reflecting fair and non partisan ranking reporting. While we still provide and share the second ranking of the dual methods only with education institutions, administrator and researchers as of now, the first method ranking is now displayed in alphabetical order, reflecting one aspect of the reforms. And starting 2021 ranking, compilation will be published on July/August of the preceding year.

Here is the 2020 year list (in alphabetical order):

California Institute of Technology

University of California, Berkeley

University of Cambridge

Columbia University

Harvard University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University of Oxford

University of Pennsylvania

Princeton University

Stanford University





HRLR university and college ranking worldwide (Top 50 2018)

1 Harvard University
2 Stanford University
3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4 University of Cambridge
5 California Institute of Technology
6 Princeton University
7 University of California, Berkeley
8 Columbia University
9 University of Oxford
10 University of Pennsylvania
11 University of Washington
12 University of Chicago
13 Yale University
14 Cornell University
15 University of California, Los Angeles
16 Johns Hopkins University
17 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
18 University of California, San Diego
19 Tokyo University
20 University of California, San Francisco
21 ETH Zurich
22 University College London
23 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
24 University of Wisconsin, Madison
25 Kyoto University
26 University of Toronto
27 New York University
28 Imperial College London
29 University of Paris
30 University of Colorado
31 Tsinghua University
32 Washington University, St. Louis
33 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
34 Northwestern University
35 Carnegie Mellon University
36 Duke University
37 University of Munich (LMU)
38 University of British Columbia
39 Beijing University
40 University of Texas at Austin
41 Vanderbilt University
42 University of California, Santa Barbara
43 University of Southern California
44 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
45 University of Melbourne
46 Moscow State (Lumonosov) University
47 University of Maryland, College Park
48 University of Copenhagen
49 University of Edinburgh
50 Heidelberg University


HRLR university and college ranking worldwide (Top 50 2017)

1 Harvard University
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3 Stanford University
4 California Institute of Technology
5 University of Cambridge
6 University of California, Berkeley
7 Princeton University
8 Columbia University
9 University of Oxford
10 University of Chicago
11 University of Washington
12 University of Pennsylvania
13 Yale University
14 Cornell University
15 University of California, Los Angeles
16 Johns Hopkins University
17 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
18 University of California, San Diego
19 Tokyo University
20 University of California, San Francisco
21 ETH Zurich
22 University College London
23 University of Wisconsin, Madison
24 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
25 Kyoto University
26 New York University
27 Imperial College London
28 University of Toronto
29 University of Paris
30 University of Colorado
31 Tsinghua University
32 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
33 Washington University, St. Louis
34 Northwestern University
35 Duke University
36 Carnegie Mellon University
37 University of British Columbia
38 University of Munich (LMU)
39 Beijing University
40 Vanderbilt University
41 University of Texas at Austin
42 University of California, Santa Barbara
43 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
44 University of Southern California
45 Moscow State (Lumonosov) University
46 University of Maryland, College Park
47 University of Melbourne
48 University of Manchester
49 University of Copenhagen
50 Karolinska Institutet


HRLR university and college ranking worldwide (Top 50 2016)

1 Harvard University
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3 Stanford University
4 University of Cambridge
5 California Institute of Technology
6 Princeton University
7 University of California, Berkeley
8 University of Oxford
9 Columbia University
10 University of Chicago
11 Yale University
12 University of Washington
13 University of Pennsylvania
14 University of California, Los Angeles
15 Cornell University
16 Johns Hopkins University
17 University of California, San Diego
18 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
19 University of California, San Francisco
20 Tokyo University
21 University College London
22 ETH Zurich
23 University of Wisconsin, Madison
24 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
25 Imperial College London
26 Kyoto University
27 New York University
28 University of Toronto
29 University of Colorado
30 University of Paris
31 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
32 Tsinghua University
33 Washington University, St. Louis
34 Northwestern University
35 Duke University
36 University of British Columbia
37 Carnegie Mellon University
38 University of Munich (LMU)
39 Vanderbilt University
40 Beijing University
41 University of California, Santa Barbara
42 University of Texas at Austin
43 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
44 Moscow State (Lumonosov) University
45 University of Maryland, College Park
46 University of Southern California
47 University of Manchester
48 University of Melbourne
49 Karolinska Institutet
50 University of California, Irvine


HRLR university and college ranking worldwide (Top 50 2015)

1 Harvard University
2 Stanford University
3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4 University of Cambridge
5 California Institute of Technology
6 University of California, Berkeley
7 Princeton University
8 Columbia University
9 University of Oxford
10 Yale University
11 University of Chicago
12 University of Washington
13 University of Pennsylvania
14 Cornell University
15 University of California, Los Angeles
16 Johns Hopkins University
17 University of California, San Diego
18 University of California, San Francisco
19 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
20 Tokyo University
21 University College London
22 ETH Zurich
23 University of Wisconsin, Madison
24 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
25 Kyoto University
26 Imperial College London
27 University of Toronto
28 New York University
29 Northwestern University
30 Duke University
31 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
32 Washington University, St. Louis
33 University of Paris
34 Tsinghua University
35 University of Colorado
36 University of British Columbia
37 Carnegie Mellon University
38 University of Munich (LMU)
39 Vanderbilt University
40 University of California, Santa Barbara
41 Beijing University
42 University of Texas at Austin
43 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
44 University of Maryland, College Park
45 Moscow State (Lumonosov) University
46 University of Southern California
47 University of Melbourne
48 University of Manchester
49 Heidelberg University
50 University of Copenhagen

Information: 300 Best World Universities 2015

Major development is coming to this college ranking institution. HRLR is receiving both very positive and constructive responses from around the world (in summary):

“HRLR has balanced, superior views and methodologies on educational institutions” -Washington Daily

“HRLR is an increasingly notable ranking body” -Wikipedia

“HRLR commits to credible, objective, and neutral ranking” -CCNet

“HRLR yields data with wider band of non-partisanship” -Shanghai Today


Information: 300 Best World Universities 2015


By: Asia First Media
Methodologies: Human Resources & Labor Review (HRLR), ChaseCareer Network, Dimension Points. All Rights Reserved

Compiled By: Barry Gartner, Emily Thompson, et al; Judge Panel: Experts from US, UK, Japan, China, Germany, France, Russia, Canada and several other institutions, as well as technoical representatives from Africa, Middle East, and Latin America.

Human Resources & Labor Review (HRLR), is a leading human competitiveness index & analysis, previously published annually in Chasecareer Network. In 2013, the London-based educational research division is acquired by Asia First Media Group and now is under intensive institutional, site and administrational restructuring. HRLR is now based in Singapore with offices in Hong Kong, London and New York.

As we performed analysis and observation over a decade, in recent years, the principal goal of the many adjustments strategies at major universities in coming years will likely be the preservation of their ability to sustain the competition for talent, reputation and research excellence.

As a result, strategies that employ institutional reserves to maintain the status quo may, depending on the length of the economic cycles, leave institutions at a disadvantage relative to universities that readjust more significantly to guarantee the availability of funds to recruit the next generation of faculty, obtain talented students and sustain the highly productive research groups already at the institution. Some who do this well will have the resources to raid high performing research groups from institutions less effectively managed.

However individual universities respond, and how effectively they take advantage of the opportunities a crisis provides, will depend on a wide range of structural, institutional, political, and financial circumstances. Much of the public conversation that affects research universities will focus on the cost and structure of undergraduate programs, especially in public institutions.

While this will be a critical conversation for those institutions, especially where the volume of undergraduates sustains portions of the research enterprise, it is not necessarily critical to the research enterprise.

Some institutions, public or private, will surely reevaluate the wide scope of activities these research universities support, some of which may no longer be economically viable.

Speculation on these topics is a favorite academic activity, exaggerated expectations of dramatic change add drama to the exercise, but our experience in studying these top private and public research universities recommends caution and prudence in anticipating big changes.

High performing universities will continue to perform better than others, even in a constrained resource environment. Less effective institutions will likely remain less effective.

The Human Resources & Labor Review (HRLR) is non-partisan, neutral college / univerities ranking system, created by a team of multi-national experts and is based on Human Resources & Labor Review Index (HRI and LRI), which provide measurements over world’s Top 300 universities graduates’ performance.

Institutions: HRLR universities and colleges worldwide (Top 50 2014)
1 Harvard University
2 Stanford University
3 University of Cambridge
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5 California Institute of Technology
6 Princeton University
7 University of California, Berkeley
8 Columbia University
9 Yale University
10 University of Oxford
11 University of Pennsylvania
12 University of Chicago
13 University of Washington
14 University of California, Los Angeles
15 Cornell University
16 University of California, San Diego
17 Johns Hopkins University
18 University of California, San Francisco
19 Tokyo University
20 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
21 University College London
22 University of Wisconsin, Madison
23 ETH Zurich
24 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
25 Kyoto University
26 Imperial College London
27 University of Toronto
28 Washington University, St. Louis
29 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
30 Northwestern University
31 Duke University
32 New York University
33 University of Paris
34 Tsinghua University
35 Vanderbilt University
36 University of British Columbia
37 Carnegie Mellon University
38 University of Munich
39 University of Colorado
40 University of California, Santa Barbara
41 Beijing University
42 Rockefeller University
43 University of Texas at Austin
44 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
45 University of Maryland, College Park
46 Moscow State (Lumonosov) University
47 University of Southern California
48 University of Melbourne
49 University of California, Irvine
50 Heidelberg University

While our website is still under construction, this temporary page is made available to publish HRLR 2014-2015 ranking.

For further inquiry or complete lists, please contact: asiafirstmedia@yahoo.com or +1 650 423-3916
Asia First Media Group, San Mateo, CA, United States